Wine Tasting

Fancy a touch of exclusivity?

Bacchus will host your own Private Wine Tasting in the comfort of your own home, at your venue or in one of our very own event spaces.

 Or would you rather mingle at a location near to you? 

Bacchus hosts a a selection of Public Wine Tasting events with our Hospitality partners across Merseyside and beyond!

 Still enjoy the virtual world?

Bacchus hosts hugely popular Virtual Wine Tastings every quarter. Amazing wines delivered to your door, a fun and relaxed exploration of the world of wine and fab Special Guests too!

Private Wine Tasting Events

Have Bacchus come to you; your home, hired space or for your event.

Public Wine Tasting Events

Get out and about and hand out with Bacchus at one of our regular spaces.

Virtual Wine Tasting Events

We still love a Virtual. Catch up with Bacchus on one of our quarterly wine deep dives.

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